
Astrology Publishing with djenneba drammeh and Jenn Zahart

Kirah, djenneba & Jenn share their stories on how they began in publishing and why it's so important for Astrology. In many ways the root of Astrology is through publishing, as the archival practices have preserved the technique through time. We explore the reasons astrology became less trusted through history and is now held in such contempt, the ways publishing benefits astrology.

djenneba drammeh is a writer, book editor, astrologer, and bookseller emeritus. Before receiving a scholarship to learn Hellenistic and electional astrology under Chris Brennan, they spent time working in and around the NYC arts and culture space, cutting their teeth as an assistant producer for Afropunk and as a bookseller at Strand Book Store. Wild for vivid stories and expanding language to translate them, djenneba is the lead editor of Mercury’s Brood, the forthcoming astro-literary anthology book funded on Kickstarter. Concerned with the ways that popular understandings of astrology can fail or overlook marginalized experiences, they apply an intersectional black queer feminist lens to both client work and mundane astrology. djenneba is also contributing writer to the love horoscope app CUSP, Buzzfeed’s monthly horoscopes, and is creator of the horoscope newsletter Twelve Questions.


IG: @djenneba

Twitter: @chironsbitch

Jenn Zahrt PhD is an author, publisher, and teacher of cultural astronomy and astrology. She has taught and lectured domestically and internationally. She is the founder of Revelore Press, creative director of the Sophia Centre Press, and the Senior Editor of The Mountain Astrologer. In 2021 she became the founding director of the Celestial Arts Education Library in Olympia, WA, where she currently lives. Discover more of her work: www.jennzahrt.com and www.caeli.institute




Ask Kirah: The Strology Show Q&A https://forms.gle/MfqYKn5pC1bZULaV8

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Venusian Afternoons: The Astrology of 4/25 - 5/15 | The Strology Show


Venusian Afternoons: The Astrology of 4/08-4/25 | The Strology Show