Kirah’s Podcast Episode Archive
The Business of Sex Ed with Cameron Glover
Kirah is joined by Sex Educator and Pisces Queen, Cameron Glover. Kirah reads her birth chart and Cameron shares her journey into the sex education field, finding her niche, being humbled, finding a new normal and more.
Venusian Afternoons: The Astrology of 4/25 - 5/15 | The Strology Show
For our final Venusian Afternoons of the season, we have our lovely CUSP App horoscope writing team joining us to talk about the astrology of the next three weeks. We cover Venus conjoining Neptune & Jupiter, Eclipse Season, Mercury retrograde, Jupiter in Aries and more! Tune in to enjoy the brilliance of these amazing astrologers and get the lowdown on the weeks to come
Astrology Publishing with djenneba drammeh and Jenn Zahart
Kirah, djenneba & Jenn share their stories on how they began in publishing and why it's so important for Astrology. In many ways the root of Astrology is through publishing, as the archival practices have preserved the technique through time. We explore the reasons astrology became less trusted through history and is now held in such contempt, the ways publishing benefits astrology.
Venusian Afternoons: The Astrology of 4/08-4/25 | The Strology Show
Kirah is joined by Kris, Patrick and SJ for Venusian Afternoons. They reflect on the Mars & Saturn conjunction in Aquarius, explore the nuances of benefic blessing with malefic madness, and talk about upcoming transits like Mercury square Pluto, Mars enters Pisces, the upcoming Libra Full moon, and more.
Antiscia with Kate Petty & Ching Yee Chau
Our next installment of Venusian afternoons features Kate Fluckinger Petty and Ching Yee Chau as we discuss antiscia.
Venusian Afternoons: The Astrology of 3/24-4/08 | The Strology Show
Our third episode of Venusian Afternoons features Rob Bailey, Catherine Urban, and Charm Torres!
The IC with Pallas K. Augustine and Taylor Ursula
The Pisces energy is strong in this episode as we are joined by Pallas & Taylor to talk all about the IC. This conversation explores the relationship our IC has with our sense of home, parents, privacy, our inner child and more.
Numerology with Rebecca Scolnick
Kirah is joined by Rebecca Scolnick, a multifaceted numerologist. They explore numerology, including life path numbers, public persona number, and more. Rebecca shared her journey with religion and how she found her way to her unique spirituality.
Zodiacal Releasing with Leisa Schaim and Patrick Watson
Leisa and Patrick chat with Kirah and talk Zodiacal Releasing: a Hellenistic timing technique that divides your life up as though it's a book through lens of the lots. Tune into Season 2 Episode 10 to learn more about The Lots and Season 2 Episode 1 for Sect - Day & Night Charts. These are great preliminary episodes.
Ep 10 - The US 2020 Election
Kipp joins Kirah in a nerd-out session over the astrology of the 2020 US Presidential Election. They take a look at all the astrology charts associated with the election such as the birth charts of the candidates, the chart of election day, and more! This isn't a super beginner-friendly episode, just FYI, but you can still learn a lot from it!
Ep 09 - The Outer Planets: Uranus, Neptune & Pluto in Astrology
Kirah speaks with Sabrina Monarch & Cameron Allen about the outer planets Uranus, Neptune & Pluto to round out the Planets series.
Ep 08 - Saturn in Astrology with Pallas Augustine & Zamboni Funk
Join Kirah as she discusses the planet Saturn with fellow astrologers Pallas K. Augustine & Zamboni Funk.
Ep 07 - Jupiter in Astrology with Nate Craddock & Adina Hertzel
Nate, Adina and I talk all about Jupiter!
Ep 06 - Mars in Astrology with Drew Levanti & Scarlet Coote
Learn all about Mars with Drew, Scarlet and I, three certified Marsians.
Ep 05 - Venus in Astrology with Charm Torres & Diana Rose Harper
Kirah sat down with Charm Torres and Diana Rose Harper to talk all about heavenly, illustrious, laughter-loving queen, Venus!
Ep 04 - Mercury in Astrology with Gabe Rosas & Jason Kei
Gabe Rosas, Jason Kei and I get all up into Mercury! We talk about Mercury's essential nature, and what it looks like in domicile / exalted (Gemini & Virgo) and in detriment / fall (Sagittarius & Pisces). We get super Mercurial together and it was so much fun. I hope you enjoy!
Ep 03 - The Moon in Astrology with Alice Sparkly Kat & Bear Ryver
Ace, Bear and I got together to talk about The Moon! I hope you enjoy it.
Ep 02 - The Sun in Astrology with Cam White
I had the pleasure of talking with Cam White all about the Sun!
To hear the full episode, check out the audio at www.thestrology.com/thestrologyshow or wherever you listen to podcasts.
This episode is the first of a series where we'll take deep dives into each of the planets.
Ep 01 - Why Astrology? With Sam Reynolds, Ari Felix, and Bear Ryver
I had the extreme pleasure of having a discussion with Sam Reynolds, Ari Felix and Bear Ryver around the question, "Why Astrology?" This episode is such a treat and I think you'll love it!