The Libra Full Moon / Week of April 1st


Weird weekend? Let me explain…

Week of April 2nd

On Saturday 3/31 we ended March with a bang under an intense Libra Full Moon, and it was intense for a few reasons. Full Moons are the peak in the lunar cycle. We start out new and fresh with the New Moon (2 weeks ago on 3/17 we had the Pisces New Moon), the energy culminates at the Full Moon, and then we begin to wind down, release, as we approach the next new moon. This Libra Full Moon was particularly potent and troublesome because there were other planets involved that made the energy more volatile and intense, heavy.

Mars, Saturn + Libra Full Moon

Mars and Saturn, traditionally referred to as the “malefic” planets, stand in unison in Capricorn, speaking harshly to both the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra at the full moon on Saturday. That's a lot to digest. Mars - our inner warrior, our stamina, strength, aggressive, masculine energy, our will, determination, and drive, aligned with Saturn - our structures, boundaries, reality, sense of responsibility and duty, our fears and the planet that rules timing. Our determination collides with a boundary. This energy can be described as feeling like running into a brick wall, or driving with the emergency brakes on. It slows us down abruptly and smacks us with some stark reality. It's harsh, but I think we can all agree that sometimes we need a good slap in the face to see things clearly, check in with ourselves and our journey. What's in alignment, what's totally out of alignment? Adjust.

Not to mention that full moons bring things to light. Our luminaries - the sun and moon, stood opposite each other - the Sun in Aries, the Moon in Libra, us on Earth in the middle, experiencing the pull. Mars and Saturn interrupted this exchange, throwing a roadblock in the flow of this energy, forcing us to face a reality.

Mars and Saturn can be painful (it was very physically painful for me) and uncomfortable. It's harsh and intense. But, as Mars met Saturn, they ended a 2 year cycle and began a new one in the area of life ruled by Capricorn for you. Take a look at your chart and see what house Capricorn rules - this is where you're beginning a new 2 year cycle around will power, drive, determination, and goal setting. This is the area of life where you want to be remembered for all the hard work you do.

With Mars passed Saturn, all of the planets Mars is currently ruling over are free to move forward. This includes the Sun, Mercury, Eris, and Uranus in Aries, as well as Jupiter and the Moon in Scorpio. Try not to hold on to the story that lead up to this weekend. Accept the facts that were presented to you and move forward armed with that knowledge.

Venus Relief

So, with all of this intense energy, where do we find relief? The good news is Venus entered her kingdom in Taurus, where she rules, early Saturday morning. Your relief for most of this month comes in the form of sensuality. Venus in Taurus is all about sensuality, and by that I’m just just talking about sexiness. Sensual - of the senses. This energy is about experiencing life through the five senses - surrounding yourself with well made objects, delicious smells, rich foods, comfortable clothes and beautiful sounds. Lean into this energy by cooking and eating delicious earth-based meals, giving and receiving massages, buying new clothes, being warm & comfortable, nesting, gardening, grounding. Use your hands. Plant some seeds (literally). Break out the crock pot. When shit gets hard and heavy, remember that you can always lean into sensuality. You can ALWAYS ~ choose~ to slow down and smell the flowers, savor that delicious meal, tune out and dance as you listen to that beautiful music. Venus in Taurus sensuality is all about truly feeeeling and experiencing through your senses. It’s a yin energy, so it’s about receiving and accepting. Be open to receiving beauty, luxury, and sensual pleasures. Take advantage of this grounded earth energy as the speed of life picks up over the next few weeks.

Scorpio Moon

Today the Moon is in Scorpio, so it’s great for intimacy, exploring sexuality, allowing yourself to be vulnerable, deep healing, as well as things like research projects and investigating matters. It’s a strong, penetrating energy, so try to take advantage of it. You may find yourself feeling jealous, sullen or paranoid under this energy too. If that’s the case, try to tune into what these emotions are bringing up for you. No judgements, just observe. The moon will align with Jupiter at noon on Tuesday, magnifying and expanding these feelings. Let it flow! Then observe.

Sagittarius Moon

On Wednesday the moon moves into Sagittarius, and you’ll feel the energy shift, as collectively, we emerge from the swamp into the light. We focus on the big picture as opposed to the nitty gritty emotional details. We start focusing on planning for the future, outlining our goals for the future.

Capricorn Moon

The Moon enters Capricorn on Friday, but Saturday is the busy day. There's lots of Moon activity as she travels through Capricorn. She meets up with Saturn and then Mars, having conversations with Mercury and Venus along the way. She meets up with Pluto on Sunday. If there are people or situations wanting to be released from your life, Saturday & Sunday are great days for endings. Let it go, let it flow, and begin to make room for new energy to fill those spaces. The next New Moon is in Aries on 4/15, and its the same day Mercury ends its retrograde!

Take care my loves!

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Taurus New Moon | 5.15.18


Spring Equinox / Mercury Retrograde