Spring Equinox / Mercury Retrograde
Hello! It's been a while. Thank you for your patience. Life was crazycray in February, and I spent most of March recovering, trying to find balance, integrating. You may remember the Eclipses we experienced in January & February in Leo & Aquarius. They, quite dramatically, stirred everything up, activating and electrifying us, presenting us with choices directly tied to our fate. ‘Twas very intense. At the start of Pisces season, I took a very healing trip to Costa Rica, soaking and cleansing in the Pacific Ocean, being held by thick, lush, jungle.
The Strology:
March has been largely characterized by Pisces energy. We entered Pisces season in late February, and when the Sun and Mercury stepped into the sign it was greeted by Venus who was already there, warming the waters. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, the culmination of all of the signs energies, the accumulation of all that is and ever was. Pisces is where boundaries and barriers dissolve, where there is no separation between you and the rest of the world. All is truly one. Pisces is the deep, vast expanse of oceanic waters. It's the place we go to reunite with Source / Creator before we experience rebirth in Aries. Pisces is the end, Aries is the beginning. The Pisces New Moon on Saturday 3/17 granted us a powerful new beginning in a sign that has to do with endings. Hopefully it served you in strengthening your relationship to the void, that deep, dark, watery, healing space that is Pisces.
And now, everything changes, as we collectively shift into new energy. Aries. Today marks the entrance of the Sun into Aries, marking the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere. This is the Equinox. The Equinox happens when the Sun passes across the Earth’s equator, bringing the world into complete balance, splitting the day into equal parts day and night. Balance. You can stand an egg on its head and it won’t tip over. The point where the Sun enters the sign of Aries, aka 0 degrees Aries, is the very beginning of the zodiac (which is why today is National Astrology Day!). Aries energy is remarkably different from Pisces energy. It’s a fire sign and it represents the bursting forward of life force energy. It’s masculine. It’s direct. It’s penetrating. The water of Pisces it the nurturing amniotic fluid we swim in while gestating in the dark abyss. Aries is birth - it’s a directional eruption, bursting forth of energy. It is springtime - buds peeking through the soil, animals giving birth. It is life.
Mars becomes activated and is currently the ruler of many planets - The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, & Eris in Aries, and Jupiter in Scorpio. Mars is currently in Capricorn, a sign he really enjoys. Mars works so well in grounded, dutiful, earth sign Capricorn because of his naturally fiery, fierce, go-getter energy. In Capricorn, Mars has a to-do list, a vision, and goals to work toward. His actions are focused and purposeful. With Mars working hard being a boss-man, ruling all of these planets in Aries and Scorpio, we’re all feeling this kick toward making moves, checking off items on our to-do lists.
This entrance into Spring comes rather gently, as we’re cradled into this new energy with a Taurus Moon and a retrograde right off the bat. As the Sun enters fiery Aries, the Moon is a sign ahead of him, in comforting and sensual Taurus. This slow-moving, patient Taurus energy helps make the transition a little smoother.
In a few days, we enter our first Mercury Retrograde of 2018, in Aries. This presents a lovely opportunity to ease into this season by having a chance to slow down and review, re-integrate, and re-organize before fully moving forward. Aries energy can make us feel like we have to “GO”, to start and move immediately. It’s fire, and it’s quick and moves without thinking. This retrograde gives us an opportunity to relax and moderate, so that we aren’t rushing into things without feeling prepared. I’m hoping this retrograde really serves to show people the powerful medicine inherent in planetary retrogrades - an opportunity to slow down and review. Remember, with retrogrades we focus on the “re” words - regroup, revise, redo, review, reorganize, remember, relive… etc. Mercury retrograde grants us a cosmic pause, a time-out from the flux. When Mercury retrogrades, it appears to slow down and stop, and then move backwards through the part of the zodiac it just covered. Three weeks later, it slows to a stop again, and begins to move forward, covering that part of the sky for the 3rd time. The symbolism comes to life in many ways, but often, especially for those of us who are constantly on the go, it manifests as delays, or breaks. When this happens, stop to think about what the universe is trying to show you. Are you going too hard without giving yourself adequate rest? Are you moving forward with something without paying attention to your intuition? Does this situation require you to slow down and be patient? If people from your past pop up during this time, ask yourself why. What does the universe, or your higher self, want you to learn from this re-emergence? What unfinished business do you have with this person or situation? Mercury retrograde is giving you the opportunity to re-live and re-do. Accept this invitation with open arms, as it’s always for what’s highest and best for you. Mercury is about how we think and communicate, and with no planets in air signs we may have trouble communicating our thoughts clearly and efficiently. Take this time to reconnect.
So I wish you a lovely Equinox! Please relish the slow, grounded, sensual Taurus Moon today and tomorrow as we simmer into Aries season. Take advantage of this Mercury Retrograde, this sacred pause, and use it to your advantage. Finish up those projects, check off things from your to-do list. The Equinox is a perfect time to clear out clutter from our lives. Last night at 12:02AM, at the moment Mercury and Venus reached an exact alignment in Aries, I had an URGENT need to clean my room. I was up until after 3am cleaning, organizing, letting go. I had to beautify (Venus) my space (Mercury rules my 4th house of home and personal space). They aligned very close to my Moon in Aries, emphasizing the need to re-organize my personal space, as it directly influences my moods and day-to-day temperament (Moon). I didn’t even know it until I looked before going to sleep. I love astrology :) . So, as always, take good care of yourself. It’s Aries season, so it’s all about YOU. Be selfish.
Sunset over Playa Hermosa at Envision Festival 2018, Uvita, Costa Rica