The Astrology of April 2022
April 2022
Kirah’s thoughts on the astrology of April 2022
Let’s talk about April.
We just had an Aries New Moon followed by a Mercury Cazimi, hopefully giving you the jump-start to spring you've been waiting for. Both events produced a fast-paced charge that a lot of us needed to put behind to attack some much-needed spring cleaning. By that, I don't only mean cleaning out your closets or sorting through your mail (calling myself out right now), but also getting crystal clear about how you want to move forward into this season and take advantage of the drive, courageousness, and raw power of Aries.
In less than a month, eclipses come to rock our worlds. The first one is a solar eclipse in Taurus on Saturday, April 30th, followed by a lunar eclipse in Scorpio on Sunday, May 15th, picking up where the last lunar eclipse on November 19th left off. Eclipses tend to warp space and time, bending and speeding up reality. Be prepared for things to get weird.
The Mars-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius
Leading up to eclipse season, however, we have some intense alignments happening. The Malefics: Mars and Saturn, have been co-present in Aquarius for a few weeks now but Mars finally reaches the point of connection/confrontation on Monday, April 4th. This is intense, and you've likely been feeling it already, especially if you have planets or points somewhere around 20-25°, as the conjunction takes place at 22° of Aquarius. Mars is the principle of extreme heat, it aims to take action, cut, burn, pierce, and cause permanent change. However, Mars is working for Saturn while in Aquarius, which means it has to harness its power for effective change for the collective, for better or worse.
I’m writing this as the conjunction takes place (in an exact square to my natal Mars) and reflecting on what life was like two years ago on March 31st, the last Mars-Saturn conjunction at 0° Aquarius (conjunct my natal Saturn. Fun start to my Saturn return 🙃). The world had just begun to shut down, and I could be found in “freeze” mode on my parent’s couch, binge-watching the OG Gossip Girl and binge-eating Oreos.
Per usual, my knowledge of astrology helped me move through it. This extremely intense feeling of fear and helplessness made sense with a Mars-Saturn conjunction in my 12th house, especially on top of my natal Saturn. Like, duh. It also helped to go back to basics and reframe it a bit. Mars (the ruler of my 9th house) conjoining Saturn (the ruler of my 12th house) in my 12th house could be looked at as spirituality (Mars) meeting my biggest fears (Saturn) which could be reframed as confronting my biggest fears…with action. I began a rigorous spiritual practice for weeks to follow, including a dedicated mantra practice with Saturn and regular prayers and offerings to many planets. It was intense, but my 9th house is intense so go figure. It helped me process the fears I had and move through the intense emotions I was feeling. I came out of it feeling stronger than ever.
Now, as the final malefic conjunction takes place in Aquarius for 30 years (rejoice), I’m similarly moving out of a tough spot. This time, with the conjunction exactly square to the nodal axis (aka at the bending), the confusion about what to do, what actions to take and not take, whether to give up or keep pushing, is more intense than ever. It’s been difficult, I’m sure you’ve felt it too. However with it exactly square to my natal 9th house Mars this time, it became very clear that this is about a mindset shift, and yes the south node is currently sitting on top of my natal Mars as well, so the mindset purge is real. I’ve been feeling it since the nodes shifted in January. Lots of changes. I invite you to look at the fixed areas of your chart.
For cardinal rising signs, you’re looking at your succeedant houses (2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th), which means the current struggle might be around resources and your access to support
For fixed rising signs, you’re looking at your angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th), which means you might be dealing with issues related to your identity, relationships, career, family &/or home life.
For mutable rising signs, you’re looking at your cadent houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th), meaning you’re likely struggling with matters of mental and physical health, work, and mindset.
Regardless of where or how it’s hitting your chart, this conjunction of malefics speaks to a tightening and intense focus being applied somewhere in your life (look to the house Aquarius occupies). We’re being asked to find a way through a major conflict in ourselves—not to fight it but to move through it, for the only way out is through. Pushing too hard or pulling too tightly won’t help in this case, but shifting your focus and aiming it towards methods of a gentler way forward might.
Venus and Jupiter in Pisces 2022
While we move through Malefic Madness, we also get to rejoice in Benefic Blessings as Venus joins Jove’s party in Pisces and finally has a soak in his magical hot tub beginning Tuesday, April 5th. Venus exalts in the mystical water sign of Pisces, and once every twelve years has the opportunity to swim in these waters alongside the King of the Heavens himself, Jupiter. This is special, to say the least, especially because the King and Queen of Fun & Sexy Times are able to completely disassociate from the Malefic Madness happening next door in Aquarius; out of sight, out of mind. While tensions start to slow down in Aqua territory, the party is finally starting in Piscesland.
Jupiter has been making its way through its oceanic nocturnal domicile since December 28th, 2021, and is already planning its exit in just over a month on May 10th. But not before a party of the highest order. Pisces is a sign all about the universality of feelings, emotions, and love. Where Pisces lies in our chart is a place where we have access to heartfelt connection. It’s the wellspring of the chart, a place where we can always return back to for a spiritual and somatic sense of knowing. Jupiter, the King of the Heavens, works in the name of universal consensus. The qualities of the planet are warm and moist, giving it the ability to make things stick together, adhere to one another, but in a broad sense as Jupiter is the greater benefic, coalessing people under shared concepts, beliefs, and spiritual understandings. Venus, the lesser benefic who exalts in Pisces, has similar qualities as Jupiter. Venus’ temperate moisture also lends itself well to adherence, joining, and unifying, like glue or paste, or balm. As the lesser benefic, one closer to Earth and therefore more personal, tangible matters, Venus brings us into direct relationship with one another. We’re able to see what you and I have in common, or how we relate to one another. Venus’ influence encourages us to rejoice in shared pleasures, to connect over what we love. In Pisces, Venus’s influence is unbound, especially with Jupiter hosting.
Jove and Aphrodite encourage each other’s desire for Good Times & Good Vibes and do so by amplifying What Feels Good. This can be much-needed after Venus’ long beseigment in Aquarius (the time it was traveling between Mars & Saturn throughout most of March). We need to be able to remember what we love, what turns us on, what sparks joy within us, and the Party in Pisces gives us more access to that. It also gives us more access to excess and potential lack of boundaries and discernment. It’s like having a birthday party and eating too much cake and feeling like shit the next day. Or going out and getting a little too wavy and suffering the consequences of not limiting your intake. Or keeping on the rose-colored glasses for too long so that you purposefully can’t see red flags for what they are. You get the picture.
Still, this is pairing is bound to mystify and inspire us in ways we probably don’t even know we need. It’s important to be reminded of the potential we hold, both within us, in our loved ones, and in the collective at large. We all need to be reminded of the good that humanity can do, how truly magical we are as a species. That we are divinity embodied living out a spiritual experience. The annual Venus-Jupiter conjunction happens at the very end of the sign at 28° of Pisces, which happens to be Venus’ exaltation degree. This is like Venus and Jupiter sitting together in Venus’ most opulent throne. Let’s imagine it’s covered in emerald and silver and is inscribed with ornate roses. It’s Venus at her highest heights, hand-in-hand with the King of the Heavens. It doesn’t get much better than this. When does this happen? Oh, only on the same day as the first eclipse of the year!
The Taurus Solar Eclipse on April 30th, 2022
Yes, that’s right, Eclipse Season is right around the corner! The solar eclipse on Saturday, April 30th takes place at 10° of Taurus, the same day as the exalted AF Venus-Jupiter conjunction, AND the same day that our beloved winged messenger Mercury enters its domicile of Gemini! A big day indeed. I actually chose this day as a wedding day for myself years back…that obviously isn’t happening but you get the idea, it’s special! (Yes I have another day in the future chosen and no I don’t even have a semblance of a partner as I write this, but I’m a hoe for electional astro so go figure).
Anyway, April 30th is the official beginning of Eclipse Season, which lasts the two weeks between eclipses. The 2nd will be a lunar eclipse at 25° of Scorpio on May 15th. Eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon align close to the north and south nodes. In other words, when there’s a new moon conjunct the north or south node, we get a solar eclipse, and when a full moon happens along the nodal axis, we get a lunar eclipse. Eclipses mark moments when the life-giving light from the Sun and Moon becomes obscured. The lights going out correlates with a sort of reset of our conscious and subconscious awareness. For solar eclipses, especially one taking place near the north node like the one on April 30th, we’re invited into a powerful new beginning. For this one specifically, Uranus in Taurus is heavily involved as well, alluding to the fact that this eclipse might usher in sudden shifts whose power could really surprise us. It’s definitely an Expect The Unexpected type of eclipse. This doesn’t have to be scary. Expect to be shaken free from that which is keeping you stuck. Expect new pathways to emerge. All you have to do is allow it to happen in any shape or container it appears in.
What’s important to remember as we near eclipse season is that time is about to get weird, weirder than it already has been. Eclipses tend to make time warp and bend, making life appear to speed up during the two-week portal that is Eclipse Season. For some of us, it’s going to feel like we’re forced into making quick decisions, or we’ll watch unexpected life changes taking place to people all around us. Some of us will experience a crystal clear clarity about what direction to move forward in and what to leave behind. The insight we receive during this time can to new pathways taking shape that could truly change our lives. Again, all you have to do is be ready to receive.
Fun times with Kirah in April
We have a ton of fun events coming up this month that you might be interested in checking out. But first, if you’re interested in learning some astrology, especially basics about the planets, signs, houses, and aspects, how to read a chart, essential dignity, etc, check out some of my on-demand workshops and intensives over at The Strology Shop.
Interested in connecting with me and other cool kids IRL this year? I have two incredible opportunities to do so in the next few months…
Relationships That Hit Workshop in Brooklyn, NY on Saturday, April 23rd has 9 spots left and is going to be an incredibly special experience. It will be followed by a public astro gathering, more details to come!
Cosmic Threads - Astrology & Knitting Retreat in Basque Country, France on June 23—27th has 5 spots left! Learn more about yourself through a discovery of your birth chart while connecting with like-minded folks in the beautiful Basque Country. We’ll be visiting local towns, knitting scarves, frolicking, relaxing, doing yoga, and so much more.
More fun events to come! Be sure you’re on my mailing list to be the first to know (just scroll to the bottom of this page to hop on there!)
Thanks for reading, hope you have a great April
<3 Kirah
The image pictured was captured in Mexico City in March 2022 by my good friend & incredible photographer, Jeremy Cohen