Saturn in Sagittarius Millennials


The most fun millennials, hands down, period. 

Saturn entered Sagittarius in mid November 1985 and was there until mid February 1988, when it entered Capricorn. It then re-entered Sagittarius in June 1988 to remain there until mid November 1988. One thing I adore about this group is that their Jupiter signs are all pretty compatible with Saturn in Sagittarius. Jupiter moved through Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries during this time period. With Jupiter being the ruler of Sagittarius and therefore is the planet responsible for the way Saturn manifested while it traveled through Sag, Jupiter’s sign placements deeply influenced the expression of Saturn in Sagittarius. Without getting too into the details of the Jupiter placements (as this is a post about Saturn), what I will say is that Jupiter’s journey through Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries during this time gave this sub-generation an out-of-this-world quality, a special spark of idealism, and a sense of boundlessness in regards to their relationship to the limits of incarnation.

Another very notable aspect of the Saturn in Sag sub-gen is that Uranus was also in Sagittarius, meaning these neighboring planets were co-present & influencing each other during this time period. Now, this is combination of energies isn’t the most compatible. You’ve got Saturn, whose aim is to create long-lasting structure, and to enact limits and boundaries. Saturn is the rule-maker. Uranus on the other hand, is the rule-breaker, with an aim to liberate that which is stuck or bound through creating instability and sudden change. What happens when you put the rule-maker and the rule-breaker together for 2.5 years in the sign of Sagittarius, that is a sign having to do with belief systems, spirituality, mind expansion, and education? Well, you get the Saturn in Sag sub-generation, who have seemed to ride waves of global destruction and instability with a sense of optimism and forward-thinking than many of us (cough cough us Saturnian millennials) have more trouble mustering. 

These are the most fun millennials because of their ability to say, “fuck it, we’re all gonna die one way or another so let’s live it up while we can”. The radical nature of Uranus coupled with Saturn here gives them a unique ability to understand the limitations of incarnation while simultaneously pushing the limits, trying to see past what is “real” and instead searching for what is true. Saturn is the farthest planet we can see with the naked eye, representing the limits of reality, while Uranus is the next planet out, spinning on its side, imploring us to try and see things in a different way. With these two gas giants together in one sign, you get a both/and situation, and filtered through the lens of Sagittarius, the limits of where the mind can go simply do not exist.

These are the people you want to go on a trip with (and I do mean all iterations of “trip”) because they see the spiritual potential that comes with expanding our minds and engaging in new experiences. They are less concerned with consequences and more concerned with living life in a way that allows them to feel uninhibited. Which brings me to their Saturn returns….

The main challenge of this group’s Saturn returns was to figure out a way to live their lives in the ~real world~ that allowed them to attain as much freedom as possible. This group was thrust into reality in unexpected and surprising ways. The instability of a terrible world economy and growing global fascism (2016 election was happening) in the face of having to “grow up” and make something of themselves was difficult AF, especially for a group who prided themselves on their rebelliousness against the system. The sobering nature of their Saturn returns was a whole thing, coupled with the fact that Saturn and Neptune were squaring each other during the time of their Saturn returns which only made things more confusing for them. The question became, how do you cope with this existential dread while not consuming a bunch of substances to keep you blissed out and ~high minded~ while also trying to find and maintain a “real job” that they knew would kill them inside?? What avenues do you take to find ways to support yourself in an increasingly unstable global environment? What a messy time to move through a Saturn return. 

But they did it. 

And they’re still dancing, still trippy and weird and brilliant.

I believe their leadership in particular is going to be hugely influential for the Pluto in Sagittarius generation (Gen Z) who are grappling with similar thought processes. There is a nice compatibility to Gen Z’s core signatures (Pluto in Sag, the oldest of which have Saturn in Aries, and then the ones with Uranus & Neptune in Aquarius). I think that the template Saturn in Sag laid out around how to go about developing and maintaining personal freedom in the midst of global nightmares will be super important for Gen Z. 

Saturn in Sagittarius, thank you for being the light of this generation, reminding us to smile, to move, to dance, to breathe, to remember that we’re all stardust, that laughter is medicine, that we’re all gonna die one day so let’s live it up while we’re here.


Saturn in Capricorn Millennials


Saturn in Scorpio Millennials